Welcome, 2019! Your Year in Review

Having lived in the same city for 36 years, I tend to shop at the same places, eat out at the same places, see the same people.  I’m generally happy with that, or I would probably change my habits.  And yet, as we look forward to a new year, most of us hope it will Silhouette freedom young woman Enjoying on the hill and 2019 years while celebrating new year, copy spce.be…happier, healthier, more productive, more prosperous, more fun, filled with more time with the people we love.  Chances are, without an intentional and deliberate approach, 2019 will be a lot like 2018.

When we think about having “more” of something, we need to know our starting point.  What made us happy and where was happiness missing?  In what ways do we feel unhealthy now?  What opportunities exist for us to become more productive or prosperous?  What was fun and in what ways can we fill 2019 with more of that? Who are the important people in our lives and how can we connect more?

I offer this Year in Review as a structure for you to take stock of your experience of 2018. Each question will prompt you to discover something important about the year you’ve lived and encourage you to create a vision and goals for the year ahead.  Each of us has the opportunity to make 2019 MORE of everything we want.  It just requires our attention, creativity, and commitment.

  1. Whom did I meet this year that is now in my life?   What do I value about this relationship?  If I’ve learned something significant from this person, how can I put it to use in other areas of my life?  In what ways do I want to develop this relationship in the coming year?
  2. How did I honor myself by attending to my mental, physical and spiritual health?  How might I make my own health a priority in 2019?
  3. What did I do that completely surprised me?  What allowed me to do this? As we know ourselves better, we become more confident and are able to use our talents in more intentional and productive ways.  Since you surprised yourself by doing this (and are obviously more capable than you thought!), what else might you want to do?
  4. What is the biggest challenge I faced?  What was difficult about this?  What internal and external supports helped me overcome this challenge?  How might I put these supports to use with other challenges I’m facing?
  5. In what area(s) of my life did I make progress?  What’s the next step I want to take with this?
  6. What am I still tolerating?  What do I want to do about that?
  7. Whom did I help?  What talents and skills did I use? Where else might they be of service?
  8. What am I most grateful for?  How might I show my appreciation or experience more of this in the coming year?
  9. What were the most fun times I had? How can I have more fun in 2019?
  10. In what ways do I want the coming year to be the same?  How do I want it to be different? What is the first step I can take toward that end?

With my warmest wishes for a year of authentically being you – bringing your desires, passions, and gifts to every area of your life.  The world is in need of everything you can offer.  And in this way, 2019 will be filled with more of everything you want.


About Helane Fronek

Over the past 28 years I have had a fascinating and fulfilling career in medicine, initially practicing as a general internist and then as a procedural specialist, caring for patients with vein disorders. As Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UC- San Diego School of Medicine, I’m thrilled to be teaching medical students crucial communication skills along with many other aspects involved in the practice of medicine.
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